Monday, July 20, 2009

Smart Man, Smart Words

My friend Ed always has quotes up on his blog, and I'm going to take a page out of his book and put one up here. It just really caught my eye as being truly insightful and I felt like sharing it with others.


Ed said...

Nice quote, good work, howd you get this bad boy up? Powerpoint?

Manuel said...

ah sure, none of your fancy stuff. good ole paint!

Kuy Jav said...

Forgiveness is a recognition of someone having steered their boat against the currents of what we in the depths of our heart recognize as ultimately representing the right thing to do and the not-so right thing to do. When we forgive someone, we empower them, we tacitly express to them that we see that that person recognizes having stepped off the path, and implicit in requesting forgiveness is the subsequent commitment to what the Buddhists call Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action. We commit to these things, not because we owe anyone anything, or because society dictates it as such, but because we recognize what emanates from the love in the heart that beats in the center of the universe.

Dig it if you can.


Matt said...

Forgive, but never forget